Late June, sunny skies, early in the day, middle of the week -- so not over crowded -- high tide, coming up on a new moon, which gives the waves a little more bounce.
This view is from the North Shore Trail, looking across at Pebble Beach. It costs $9 to get in to Point Lobos State Reserve, but it's cheap fun at half the price! Parking is limited, and they stop letting people in when all the parking fills up.
During the summer and on weekends, you might find yourself parked in a line at the gate, waiting for someone to leave. Fortunately, you can also park (for free - but watch the parking signs) alongside Highway One, and there are several gorgeous paths leading into the park.
This photo was taken with a Nikon D40, really great camera, but I haven't figured out much to do with it yet. I'm still in point-and-shoot mode, and will probably be stuck here until I find my way into a photography class. It's hard for the beginning digital photographer even to grasp all the acronyms that are used in the manual, so they can get a grasp of the subject matter! Alphabet soup, anyone?
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