Friday, July 27, 2007

Sleeping Eyes (Poetry 1993)

Dreams whirl: rainbow engines
shaping puzzles of truth.
He sleeps, pretenses
in shapeless heaps
on a chair beside the bed.

Outside, rain slaps,
splashing the hushed wind.

Penetrating flowers prepare
tiny, slow-motion explosions,
to prove love's unseen colors:
nameless, unknown, pale,
fragile as morning.

Rich petals unfold imperceptibly,
an invisible, vibrant kiss.

Light sets sail in an angel's
silken smile, singing
of the treasure disguised in his
sleeping eyes.



Rachel Dacus said...

Lovely poem, images delicate and fresh, and the ending a charmer. I also like the pretenses asleep in the chair in shapeless heaps -- the sounds as well as the sense.

How nice to find you posting poetry as well as photos!

mythmother said...

Thanks for dropping by, Rachel, and thanks for the feedback! I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip to DC.